Forgiveness is key.  It is the first plea of Jesus on the Cross as he bore our sins….

What i have found is that it does not matter who was at fault and who asks for forgiveness.  The act of forgiving mends the lives of both who are involved – and the brokenness of lives are mended like a jar made up of broken pieces of clay.  That indeed, even if we do not know it, our lives heal with every true forgiving act.  It does not even  matter that you are victim or prosecutor…the role you play in the scene becomes secondary once true forgiveness is exchanged

So I challenge you…Invite you…to look into the areas of your life that need forgiveness – whether what is needed is for you to ask for forgiveness – or seek the  person who you need to forgive…

Go first and be reconciled with your brother,

and then come and offer your gift

I recall a post I did last 2007(…wow…so long ago…) comes back to me to complete my thoughts.

like a broken jar of clay
pieces fallen off
no longer whole
cracked through years
of imperfection

and yet … hope
to find the light within
mending, re-building the broken pieces of clay
the jar ..slowly re-molded

not to simply find the light
but to release it
to allow it to “spill”…overflow

not through the pieces of clay
but rather between them
through the cracks and broken pieces

like sunlight falling through the rain forest
despite the thick blanket of leaves
from trees high above
to touch the floor of life below

in my brokenness
to spill the light outside oneself
for it is in this, my sinfulness…my brokenness
that God sent His son to mend

and only by choice do i strive to
find the light
to keep the light burning

in humility i pray for the grace
to keep the light from growing dim
not only inside me
but through me

like beacon and reminder
He came to love
He came for me
…a sinner made whole

Jesh de Rox says it better – reaching across time and space to what I could not put into words….he wrote this….Remember, SANDS